Renatech > Renatech Thesis Prize


The 4th RENATECH thesis prize will be awarded during the JNTE symposium

25-27 November 2019 at Minatec, Grenoble


The RENATECH Technology prize will reward any outstanding work in micro-nanofabrication accomplished by a PhD student during his thesis work. The award consists of a tablet computer, a certificate, and invitation to talk at a regular session of the JNTE 2019 symposium which will take place at Grenoble.

Application Procedure


The thesis should have been defended in the two years before the JNTE symposium (2017 or 2018 for JNTE 2019). The work must have been carried out in an academic or industrial French laboratory. The thesis could have been done in collaboration with a partner, industrial or academic, French or foreign.

The application file consists of


1- A maximum summary in 3 pages including (Fichier Dossier de candidature PThèse Renatech 2019):

  • a short presentation of the PhD work
  • one more detailed description of the technological achievement highlighting their originality and their impact in micro-nanofabrication and the technological gain
  • a presentation of the main results
  • a publication list

2- A letter by the supervisor of the PhD work or by a close collaborator, in support of the application.


The complete application file should be send by e-mail to Caroline BOISARD ( before August 30th 2019 before midnight.

The successful applicant will be elected and notify during autumn 2019.


The applications will be evaluated by a board of experts, taking into account the importance and novelty of the technological achievements. The evaluation is not focused on the scientific results later obtained from the fabricated device/material/instrument and their impact for the community.



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