About JNTE 2019 > Topics

The symposium will focus on emerging technologies for micro-nanofabrication, from fundamentals to complex integration techniques. It represents a unique opportunity :

  • to gather the scientific community involved in micro-nanotechnology, process engineering, physics and modeling of fabrication processes,
  • to enhance the diffusion of new results and ideas among the main actors, bringing new fabrication concepts to other disciplines,
  • to create a continuity of expertise from fundamental studies on materials, new processing techniques, or modeling, to applied research on process engineering (integration of technologies, development of new micro-nanodevices, etc.),
  • to reinforce the interactions between the main actors of micro-nanotechnology integration (national, or proximity technology platforms, etc.), and between these actors and the scientific community involved in the development of specific processing techniques or characterization tools at a more fundamental stage.



The topics that will be discussed are :

    • Synthesis, integration and assembly of new materials
    • Surface functionalization and processing
    • Etching, lithography and nano-patterning
    • Integration and applications of micronanotechnologies


Special attention will be given to eco-efficient materials, techniques and processes (green technology concept) to show that our community can implement new strategies for development related to current societal issues.


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