

The French symposium on Emerging Technologies for Micronanofabrication is an interdisciplinary symposium around micro and nanotechnologies.
Their main objective is to bring together the main actors in the French-speaking scientific community, involved in the development of applications in the fields of optics, photonics, nanostructure physics, electronics, chemistry, biology...


Abstracts are online => planning/abstracts



Invited speakers :

Florence Lefebvre-Joud
Adjointe au directeur, en charge des activités scientifiques du CEA-Liten
Energy transition at CEA-LITEN : the place of micro and nanotechnologies for building a renewable, sustainable and resilient energy mix

Colomban de Vargas
Directeur de Recherche à la Station Biologique de Roscoff, Coordinateur du projet OCEANOMICS
Plankton planet: Self-organized nano-technologies from marine cells are major drivers of planetary ecology

Stéphane Monfray
Chercheur à STMicroelectronics
Differentiation in the microelectronic industry: the key for innovation

Philippe Cinquin
Professeur à l’UGA et praticien hospitalier au CHUGA, laboratoire TIMC-IMAG
Micro-nano symbiotic robotics

Jean Claude André
Directeur de recherche CNRS, chercheur au LRGP (Université de Lorraine)
Does economic success limit the emergence of radical innovations? The cases of 3D printing and NBIC convergences

Oliver Dellea
Chargé de projet au CEA-Liten 
Colloidal lithography: Generic tool for structuring and functionalizing surfaces and interfaces

Daniel Turover
Dirigeant de Silsef
Nanoimprint lithography and application to steel dry etching

Benoît Roman
Directeur de Recherche CNRS au laboratoire Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes - ESPCI
4D printing and morphing structures: from macroscopic to small scales?

Badreddine Assouar
Chercheur Institut Jean Lamour à Nancy
Acoustic and Elastic Metasurfaces for Controllable Wave Manipulation

Julien Barjon
Maitre de conférence UVSQ – GEMAC à Versailles
N-type conductivity of diamond: cathodoluminescence and epitaxy

Béatrice Dagens
Directrice de Recherche Université Paris Sud 11 - C2N à Saclay
Functionalisation of transparent substrates using resonant nanostructures for augmented reality

Laurent Malaquin
Directeur de recherche CNRS - LAAS à Toulouse
Fabrication of 3D models of microenvironment for cell culture and tissue engineering

Rebeca Ribero
Institut Chargée de Recherche CNRS - C2N à Saclay
Twistable electronics with dynamically rotatable structures



JNTE 2019 is the sixth edition of the JNTE symposium, after JNTE'17 organized in Orléans, JNTE'15 organized at Ecole Centrale de Lyon, JNTE’13 in Evian, JNTE’10 at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau and JNTE’08 at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse.

The JNTE 2019 is organized by the LTM lab (CNRS-UGA) in partnership with CEA-LETI, and will be held at the Minatec conference center in Grenoble on Novembre 25th, 26th and 27th, 2019.


3 logos



 With the support of our academic partners :



metro long

And our industrial partners :






Important dates


First call opening
June 20th, 2019
Abstract submission 
From June 25th, 2019 to September 17th, 2019
Notification of acceptance
October 28th, 2019
July 15th, 2019 to November 15st, 2019
November 25th-27th, 2019

The program is online (planning/program)


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